Did you receive a mailing from us? Learn more about our invitation system, and how you can have your address removed from future mailings.
Relevant Seminars
PO Box 1676
Vancouver, WA 98668
Our Mailing List
When we present a seminar, we send an invitation to every home in the area near the seminar location. The list we use includes every mailbox in the USPS carrier route, and is updated monthly. Our invitations describe the seminar topics, and invite people to learn more at this website.
How do I get off your list?
We understand that some people do not want to receive mailings of this type. If you received an invitation that offended you in some way, please accept our apologies! That was not our intention.
You can remove yourself from future mailings by completing the information below, which will add you to our “Do Not Mail” list. Every mailing list we use is compared against this list, and any address on the “Do Not Mail” list is automatically removed.
Please provide the following information to be removed from future mailings: